Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Mojo 🔥 24.3 is now available for download and this is a very special release. This is the first major release since Mojo 🔥 standard library was open sourced and it is packed with the wholesome goodness of community contributions! The enthusiasm from the Mojo community to enhance the standard library has been truly remarkable. And on behalf of the entire Mojo team, we’d like to thank you for all your feedback, discussion and, contributions to Mojo 🔥, helping shape it into a stronger and more inclusive platform for all. 

Read Mojo Update 24.3

Enhancements to List, Dict, and Tuple

In Mojo 24.3 collections (ListDictSetTuple) are more Pythonic than ever and easier to use if you’re coming from Python. Many of these enhancements have come directly from the community:

  • List has several new methods that mirror Python API.
  • Dict can now be updated .
  • Tuple now works with memory-only element types like String and allows you to directly index into it with a parameter expression.

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