Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Donald Trump responded to the news of ABC News president Kim Godwin’s resignation, suggesting on Truth Social that her departure might be linked to what he perceives as biased reporting on his administration: “Pleased to share that Kim Godwin, the leader of ABC, has stepped down. Could it possibly be due to the biased coverage of all things Trump?”

Godwin, the pioneering black woman who helmed a network news division, reportedly encountered escalating criticism from corporate higher-ups regarding her performance. Eventually, she was significantly sidelined, losing a considerable portion of her authority. In a memo obtained by the New York Post, Godwin announced her retirement from broadcast journalism, acknowledging the unique and challenging nature of the industry and emphasizing that her decision wasn’t taken lightly or swiftly.

“After much contemplation, I am confident that this decision aligns with my future aspirations and the well-being of my family,” she explained.

In a message to her colleagues, Godwin expressed gratitude for the historic nature of her appointment as the first African American woman to assume such a prominent role in broadcast news. She acknowledged the honor and the responsibility it carries, recognizing the efforts of those who paved the way for her to lead a team known for its unwavering commitment to trust, integrity, and excellence.”

By Yuvi Singh


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